Page name: Halloween Photograph 10, page 1 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-11-10 21:09:16
Last author: Alexi Ice
Owner: Lothuriel
# of watchers: 18
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Elftown Halloween Competitions


This contest is CLOSED for 2010!
Deadline: 8th November 2010


How to post your entry:
Add your image after the last one that has been already posted. Number your entries, and separate them with the <hr> tag. Don't forget to write your username and the title of the entry:

0. [insert user name] - "Title"

Theme: Halloween! That's enough of a theme, right?

Entries that do not fit the theme will be disqualified!

Rules: can be read at Halloween Photography Competition


1. [Nioniel] - "A Batty Bat"

<img300*0:stuff/aj/169023/Batty.jpg> <img20*0:stuff/aj/169023/Proof.1.jpg>

2. [sweet.tx.tea] - "MadHatter"

<img200*0:> <img20*0:stuff/hatterproof1.jpg>

3. [Alexi Ice] - New Friends



4. [moira hawthorne]
My Munch The Scream JoL
<img200*0:stuff/HCEganTheScreamJoL.jpg> <img20*0:stuff/TheScreamJoLproof.jpg>
my small hommage to Munch's The Scream as a Jack o Lattern
looks all glowy in reallife... better than the photos shows
Edward Munch’s “The Scream”
Carved Hubbard gourd & photo © moira hawthorne 2010

5. [Hedda] How to charm girls

Schoolgirls need Absinthe. (You need the gloves soon, trust me!)
Real women have other needs.
Proof image.

(From PrePreHalloween2010 and PreHalloween2010)

6. [Sairafaen] Waiting For The Pumpkin To Change

Proof <img20*0:stuff/aj/167518/proof%20contest.jpg>

7. [Marlene'Jacques] Baby Vamp


Proof Pic <img100*0:>

8.[shadowfire09] Zombie Bunny Attack

9. [wicked fae mage] Zombie Building
proof: <img20*0:stuff/aj/182611/zombie%20making%20proof.jpg>


Go, or return to:
- Elftown Halloween Competitions
- Halloween Photography Competition
- Halloween Art Competition
- Halloween Poetry Competition
- Halloween Costume Competition

Username (or number or email):


2010-10-10 [Nioniel]: FYI; you had the deadline on this page as Oct. 31st, so I changed it to Nov. 8th.

2010-10-11 [sweet.tx.tea]: I will upload my proof when I get home from work.

2010-10-13 [Akayume]: :D I am excited!

2010-10-30 [Nioniel]: I changed my submission. :P

2010-10-31 [sweet.tx.tea]: OMFG. Teabag bat. <3 Thank you for making my teabag obsession a less mildly neurotic episode.

2010-11-01 [Nioniel]: Hehe. ^^

2010-11-01 [Alexi Ice]: I'm seriously disappointed that this contest did not get more entrants though the ones here ARE so adorable ~

2010-11-01 [wicked fae mage]: My zombie hand Mort may make an appearance...gotta think of something to do with him, though.

2010-11-01 [Thunder Cid]: [Alexi Ice] We need a photoproof for your submission.

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